Toronto teen uses app to give visually-impaired a new look at the world

Posted: Monday 12 December 2016

A Toronto teen is hoping to change the lives of visually impaired people around the world with a new app that can identify almost any object with the quick tap of an iPhone or iPad.

Anmol Tukrel, a 17-year-old student, has always been fascinated with technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI). 

Tukrel’s iPhone app, iDentifi, uses AI to allow users to take a photo of an object. It then describes that item in great detail back to the user. The app also allows users to take photos of text and have it read back to them. Furthermore, all of the app's functionality works in 27 languages.

It took Tukrel more than a year to develop the app and he hopes it makes every day tasks easier for people who are visually impaired.

Read more about the app at the getidentifi website.