Renewed calls for patients with dry AMD to take part in research

Posted: Thursday 03 December 2020
Research test tube

Do you have late-stage dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD)?

If so, researchers have renewed their calls for your help. In October Gyroscope Therapeutics, a company developing gene therapies and surgical delivery systems for retinal diseases, launched a campaign to encourage people diagnosed with dry AMD to take part in a new research study. 

Researchers are asking people with the condition to donate a saliva sample at one of their research centres across the UK. Free transport is provided to anyone willing to take part. 

While many people have contacted Gyroscope, they are looking for around 6,000 people who are willing to donate a saliva sample, which could help scientists identify genetic factors that may play a role in their sight loss. 

To be eligible to take part, you must be:

- aged over 54, with diagnosed AMD.

- You must not have had previous gene therapy treatments, and never been previously diagnosed with wet AMD in either eye or received any Anti-VEGF injections.

If this applies to you, please contact Gyroscope's helpline on 01438 532142 and leave a message. Gyroscope’s team will phone you back within a few weeks. 

Listen to Professor Paulo Stanga, one of the principal investigators, explain why the research is needed.