Two new Virtual Clinics in November

Posted: Wednesday 04 November 2020
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The Macular Society's Virtual Clinics continue this month, with topics covering a Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI) and Sorsbys fundus dystrophy. 

The first of this month's Virtual Clinics will take place on Tuesday 10 November, looking at the CVI and what it means for those with macular disease.

Join us for What is a Certificate of Visual Impairment and how can it help me? on Tuesday 10 November at 7pm.

At the webinar we will be joined by macular specialist, Mr Declan Flanagan, who is an ophthalmic surgeon and medical director of Moorfields Eye Hospital. Declan is also the director of the CVI programme nationally and will be talking about the history of the CVI, as well as how it started and why. The event will also look at the use of the CVI as an epidemiological tool and why that’s important.

Declan will be joined by our Working Age and Young Peoples' Service manager Colin Daniels, who will explore the benefits of being certified as visually impaired can bring patients. 

Register for What is a Certificate of Visual Impairment and how can it help me? 

Later this month Professor Andrew Lotery will join our Working Age and Young Peoples' Virtual Clinic to talk about Sorsby, a rare macular condition which causes similar symptoms to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), although it generally affects people at a younger age.

Prof Lotery, who is Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Southampton and a consultant ophthalmologist at Southampton General Hospital, will explore how the disease causes damage to the eye and the clinical management now and in the future.

The event will take place on Thursday 26 November at 1.30pm (with registration from 1.15pm). 

Register for Prof Lotery's Virtual Clinic on Sorsbys fundus dystrophy

Watch previous Virtual Clinics