Vision Express raises hundreds of thousands of pounds for people with macular disease

Posted: Wednesday 07 October 2020
Vision Express, woman with Macular Society scarf

A huge, heartfelt thank you to Vision Express and its customers for raising hundreds of thousands of pounds for the Macular Society this September

For every eye test last month the high-street optician donated £3 to the Macular Society. The campaign, which aimed to highlight the importance of regular sight tests, has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds towards vital support for those living with macular disease, as well as research to help find a cure.

It was part of Vision Express’ support of National Eye Health Week, from 21 to 27 September. However, despite the staggering figure raised, recent research shows that over two million people in the UK haven’t had an eye test in more than two years, leaving many at risk of going undiagnosed for issues such as macular disease.

Onur Koksal, CEO at Vision Express said: “We would like to extend a huge thank you to all our customers for loving their eyes and helping to beat macular disease this September. Together we have raised a life-changing sum of money for many already suffering or for those who have yet to develop it.

“However, we are still concerned by the many who are putting of their regular check as a visit to the optician is more than just about checking your vision, it’s also a vital assessment of the health of your eyes which can only be seen under a microscope. Early diagnosis of any condition can lead to a much stronger prognosis, and we urge people not to put off their appointment. At Vision Express, we understand your life, style and needs and strive to offer superior value with excellent service.”

Cathy Yelf, Chief Executive of the Macular Society added: "It is hard to express how incredibly grateful we are to Vision Express and all of their customers for their tremendous support, not least at this intensely worrying time. We are extremely concerned by the growing number of people affected by macular disease and it is a problem which is getting worse every day. Vision Express’ support will undoubtedly help us to beat macular disease faster by funding vital research and support for people affected. 

“Crucially, this campaign has also helped to highlight how important it is to look after your eyes, by getting regular eye tests. Sight loss can be devastating but, thanks to Vision Express, we know that we can help even more people beat the fear and isolation of macular disease.”

For any essential or urgent eye health issues, contact Vision Express on 0800 038 2177 or book online and the clinical team will help you get the eye care you need.

For further information on macular disease or to access support