Expert on visual hallucinations to host next Virtual Clinic event

Posted: Tuesday 29 September 2020
Charles Bonnet Gargoyles appearing on a dark road

Have you seen things that aren't there? Visual hallucinations are a common experience for anyone with sight loss and up to half of all people with macular disease are thought to experience them at some time. 

In the Macular Society's next Virtual Clinic, we will be joined by Dr Dominic ffytche who will be talking more about what causes these visual hallucinations, known as Charles Bonnet Syndrome. 

Charles Bonnet hallucinations can be anything from unformed flashes of light, colours or shapes to more terrifying images such as disembodied heads, Edwardian figures and snakes. 

Dr ffytche is psychiatrist at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London and is an international expert on Charles Bonnet Syndrome. At the Virtual Clinic he will discuss more about the condition, techniques to manage the hallucinations, as well as progress on research funded by the Macular Society which is looking into non-drug treatments for those affected. 

Register to join the Virtual Clinic on Charles Bonnet Sydrome on Tuesday 13 October at 7pm. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.