Hope and humour offered in podcast series

Posted: Tuesday 20 July 2021
Marci smiling

“Although my sight loss is a serious matter I do some incredibly stupid, humorous things,” said Marci.

When lockdown hit last year, the 56 year old, had just retired and, like many people, found herself with plenty of time on her hands.

After living with macular disease for the past 12 years and finding new ways to cope with everyday life, she was inspired to record a podcast to document her experiences and help others affected.

“The podcast was my way of telling the funny things that happen,” she said. “I wanted to share the humour, as well as hints and tips on how I manage day to day living. I also hope to help those new to sight loss navigate the unfamiliar world they experience.”

Marci started experiencing problems with her sight at the age of 40 and by the age of 53 was registered severely sight impaired.

“This meant that suddenly my driving days were over. I could no longer read for pleasure or necessity, faces were no longer recognisable and my own safety was now a priority in the very mundane, everyday situations. This was a huge challenge for both me and my family, but we worked through it together to make the necessary adjustments required.”

She added: “I wasn’t frightened, but I was frustrated having to learn new slower ways of managing. I had so much support and feel very blessed for such help and my life now is as normal as it can be, but it is different.

“Through my podcast I hope to encourage others who are going through the challenges that sight loss brings and spread awareness of macular degeneration to those who may not be familiar with it.”

To hear more about Marci’s journey, as well as interviews with guests, tune into her latest podcast.