Macular disease and managing your wellbeing

Posted: Wednesday 30 June 2021
Suzanne smiling

As more restrictions lift across the UK many people are feeling more anxious about a return to normality.

So, how can we manage our mental wellbeing after what has been a very difficult 18 months? 

At July’s Virtual Clinic we will be joined by the Macular Society’s counselling team to highlight ways we can look after mental health.

Suzanne Roberts, the Society’s counselling coordinator will explore ways we can prepare ourselves and help reduce any feelings of anxiety.

She will discuss common themes and strategies that are used to support clients who access the counselling service.

Talking about the session Suzanne said: “It’s more important now than ever that we seek support when we need it, and look after ourselves as best as we can.

“We are living through tough times, but together and with the right support we can get through it.

“It’s so important to find ways of making day to day life more manageable and get back to some of our own normality.”

The session will be held on Tuesday 20 July at 7pm.

Register now.

To find out more about the Society’s counselling service, or to access support, contact the Advice and Information Service on 0300 3030 111.