Have you ever wondered what benefits you might be entitled to?

Posted: Tuesday 12 October 2021
Staff member smiling at desk

The Macular Society will explain the ins and outs of the benefit system, your entitlements and how to make a claim, as part of its Virtual Clinic series this month. 

The event, which is part of the working-age Virtual Clinics, will look at the range of available benefits, including Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Attendance Allowance.

Our Working Age and Young Peoples’ Service manager, Colin Daniels, will lead the session and explain more about the system and how to navigate it.

He will also hold a Q&A session, to answer any questions you have.

“The benefits system is a minefield and is the last thing on people’s minds when they have a recent diagnosis of macular disease,” Colin said.

“The majority of people are entitled to something, but are often not aware, or simply don’t know how to make a claim.

“We hope this session will help give some clarity on the subject and give people the confidence to apply for any benefits they are entitled to.”

As usual, the working-age Virtual Clinic will take place on the last Thursday of the month on Thursday 28 October at 6:30pm.

This event has now ended. See what other webinars are running.

Each month we hold two Virtual Clinics, one with a focus on age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which takes place on the third Tuesday of every month. The other on specific conditions or issues affecting younger people and those of working age, which is held on the last Thursday of every month.

Catch up on previous events.