Counting down to Macular Week

Posted: Thursday 05 May 2022
Macular Week 2022 man and woman with sign in Macular Society wigs and glasses

Macular Week is our chance to tell the rest of the world about the impact of macular disease, raise awareness of the importance of good eye health and highlight why funding research to find a cure is vital.

Every year we encourage our inspirational community of members, volunteers, donors and supporters to join us in Beating Macular Disease, by helping everyone understand the impact it has on all of our lives.

Macular Week runs from Monday 20 to Sunday 26 June and there are lots of ways you can get involved, from talking to others about the condition, to organising your own fundraising event.

This year, we will be highlighting an exciting research project which is using the healing power of plants to find a cure for macular disease. And, 53 year old Marcia will be sharing her story and the reasons why she has hope for the future.

If you or a loved one is affected by macular disease we’d love you to join us. Find out how you can get involved.

If you’d like to share your experiences of living with macular disease, to Help Beat Macular Disease we’d love to hear from you at