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Daphne's story
“I hope my gift will help with research. It’s so important. Macular disease can happen to anyone.”

“I can remember it so clearly. It was 2017, my friend and I had gone on a river cruise. We used to go up on deck to take photos, because there was always something interesting to look at. One day we’d been up on deck, and when I came down my right eye felt really uncomfortable. I wondered if it was the light.
“But when we got back, I was on the phone to my daughter, resting my head on my hand which was covering my left eye, and I turned to look at my birthday cards and they were all blurred. I couldn’t understand why.
“I went to the optician, and he did a scan. He said, “I’m afraid you’ve got wet macular degeneration in your right eye.”
“It didn’t really register. I didn’t know what was going on. I was angry. I thought, why has this happened?
“I went to the hospital – I thought they would say it was just blood pressure or something – but the doctor said, “How do you feel about eye injections?” Well, I’ve had lots of injections since, and they helped – but the scarring is too bad now so the injections won’t work anymore. I just go for check-ups every 8 weeks.
“They can’t guarantee I won’t get it in the left eye too, but I’m being positive. I love to read and I do a lot of sewing and knitting, and for now I can still do those things. I would really miss that if I get it in both eyes. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll be lucky and it won’t come in my left eye, but I know it could happen.

“Your eyesight is so precious. Other conditions you can manage, but your eyesight is just so precious.
“I found it very reassuring to join the Macular Society. I joined one of the support groups, and you get a lot of useful information and can ask questions. It’s nice to know you’re not on your own.
“During one talk, we were told about the free Wills service. I thought this was a great idea, and I needed to update my Will as it hadn’t been done since my husband passed away 30 years ago. And it was all so easy to do.
“I’ve left a gift to the Macular Society because I have macular disease, and what they’re doing is excellent. They do a wonderful job, funding research and supporting us.
“I’m 93 now. One day there will be a cure, it will happen but it takes a long time and it’s expensive. But you never know, it might happen in my lifetime!”