Use of Animals in research
The Macular Society supports the principle of using animals in research when it is necessary to advance understanding of health and disease and to develop new treatments. This research only takes place where there is no alternative available.
As a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC), we support their statement on the use of animals in research and are committed to the '3 Rs' principle to reduce, replace, and refine. This means:
- Reducing the number of animals used in experiments
- Replacing their use with alternative methods where possible
- Refining techniques to maximise animal welfare
We always consider the 3 R’s in our peer review, and support the 3 R’s in our research grant terms and conditions.
The Macular Society will only support the use of animals:
- where no valid alternative exists
- where regard to animal welfare is a priority for the applicant
- where the applicant considers the possibilities to advance the refinement, reduction and replacement of animal use throughout the project.
Research funded outside of the UK must be carried out in the spirit of UK legislation as well as being compliant with all local legislation and ethical review procedures.
To read more, please see the AMRC statement on their website.
Approved by: Company Secretary (Cathy Yelf) Date: 10 May 2023
Review: May 2025
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