Annual conference will focus on hope for the future

Posted: Wednesday 16 June 2021
Annual conference, woman on laptop

Registration for the Macular Society's free annual conference is now open.  

This year's virtual event will see researchers and consultants come together to highlight the real hope for the future for people with macular disease. 

With a range of talks taking place throughout the day, you will hear the latest news in treatments and cutting-edge research, as well as advice and support on living with macular disease.

The conference on Saturday 11 September will include tailored sessions for people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and for those with inherited retinal diseases who are still of working age.

And, for the first time, there will also be a separate programme for those newly diagnosed, along with friends and family of those living with macular disease. 

Some of the highlights of the event include: 

- The future of stem cell research, how they could work and how close we are to a cure.

- Genetic counsellors Jo Lowndes and Sian Jenkins, talking through the ins and outs of genetic testing, and what to consider if you are offered genetic counselling. 

- An introduction to Stargardt disease with Professor Robert MacLaren and explain the most promising future treatments that are in development right now.

- What we know about AMD and the research that gives us all hope of beating macular disease for good.

View the full programme. 

Join us and find out why we believe there truly is hope for the future. All you need is a computer, tablet or smartphone. 

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