Beat Macular Disease one bake at a time!

A blue plate with a variety of decorated cake slices with a pink backdrop

Who doesn’t enjoy a catch-up over a cuppa and a delicious slice of cake? Or perhaps some scones, jam and cream with homemade lemonade on a sunny afternoon? Whether you love to bake or you love to buy cake, you can fund sight-saving research and support for people with macular disease by hosting a Catch-up with Cake!

Catch up with friends and family; charge per slice, cookie, cupcake or entire cake – and every penny raised will bring a cure for macular disease closer, and support people living with it today.

At home, at work or in a community group – wherever you host your Catch-up with Cake, we’re here to support you with fundraising tips and resources such as recipes to inspire you, cake labels, and posters to promote your event. You can find these downloadable resources below, or please contact us if you would prefer printed copies.

For a bigger fundraising event, we can also send you our Macular Society bunting and information leaflets to hand out to your guests.

We’d love to hear about your Catch-up with Cake! Email us at or call us on 01264 560 249.

If you’ve already hosted your Catch-up with Cake and you have funds to pay in, fantastic! Please tell us all about it and pay your funds in online. Thank you so much!

Catch-up with Cake! banner

Delicious recipes link arrow

Whether you have a signature bake or you’re at a loss with what to make, here are some recipes to inspire you for your Catch-up with Cake!

afternoon tea

Tell us about your Catch-up with Cake! link arrow

Beat Macular Disease one bake at a time. Fill in our registration form to let us know about your Catch-up with Cake!