Register now

Join us online for our free conference on Saturday 14 September 2024 to get expert advice, information and support.

What to expect:

  • The latest on treatments and research.
  • A chance to put your questions to leading experts in live Q&As.
  • Practical advice for living with macular disease.

By registering for the Macular Disease Conference, you will receive emails relating to the conference including updates on speakers, information on how to join and reminders leading up to the conference. The countdown emails will include a link to join so make sure to check your spam folder!

Book your place today and find out why there is hope for the future. Together we will Beat Macular Disease.

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You can change what you receive from us at any time by contacting us. Read our privacy policy, which covers the ways that we gather, store, keep and use information about you.


Our 2024 conference is kindly supported by Macu-Save Gold and OcuPlan

Macu-Save Gold      OcuPlan