Every month we host two webinars to bring you closer to the experts. We are joined by experts in macular disease who discuss the latest in treatments and research and answer your questions.

Register for our monthly webinars

The first of our monthly webinars takes place on the third Tuesday of every month at 7pm, with a focus on topics for patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

The second webinar is uploaded directly to our YouTube channel on the last Thursday of every month, and focuses more specifically on inherited macular conditions as well as issues affecting anyone of working age.

Please share any questions you would like our guests to address in our upcoming webinars. Send them to mymacularandme@macularsociety.org.


Could home-monitoring be the future of eye care?

Join us as we explore the latest developments from OKKO Health, which is developing a home-monitoring app to allow people with macular disease to better monitor their vision from home.

OKKO Health has developed an app to help people to monitor their sight between clinic visits, through simple puzzle games. The smartphone app, which is still in development, uses software similar to that of a video game to assess visual health.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the future of AMD management and how technology is being used to improve patient care. Join our webinar on Tuesday 20 August at 7pm.

Potential treatments for Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy

Join us for our second My Macular and Me webinar of the month featuring Professor Jacqueline van der Spuy from the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology. She will be discussing the development of treatments for Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy, an inherited juvenile macular dystrophy affecting sight from early adulthood.

To discover more about future treatment possibilities, join us for our webinar which will be uploaded to our YouTube channel on Thursday 25 July.