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Fund a Cure for macular disease by donating monthly to our research programme. In return, you’ll receive a welcome pack and regular, exclusive updates, and you’ll know that you’re Beating Macular Disease.

Gift Aid


Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer, you can give more with Gift Aid - at no extra cost to you. With the Gift Aid scheme, any donation or membership subscription payment you make is increased by 25%. For every £1 you donate, we can claim an additional 25p from the government. 

Gift aid declaration

Gift Aid

Boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate, at no extra cost to you.

Gift Aid makes your donations go even further to Beat Macular Disease. You are eligible to sign up to the Gift Aid scheme if:

Gift Aid declaration

Gift aid declaration

Thank you for making your gifts go even further with Gift Aid, which brings us closer to Beating Macular Disease.

Your Gift Aid declaration

Gift Aid

To update your details or cancel your Gift Aid Declaration please complete the following form. If you’d prefer, you can call us on 01264 350 551.

Gift Aid Frequently Asked Questions

Gift Aid

What is the Gift Aid Scheme?

Gift Aid is a UK government tax relief scheme that allows charities to claim tax paid on donations. If you sign up for Gift Aid, for every £1 you donate, we can claim 25p from the government. A £10 donation with a Gift Aid declaration becomes a £12.50 donation, at no additional cost to you.



Your kind donation will help fund research to find a cure for macular disease and support people living with it today. You can give regularly, make a single gift, or give in memory of someone special.




