Elderly couple on the Okko Health App

Help needed to test home-monitoring app

Posted: Friday 12 August 2022

A digital health company which has developed a new app to enable people with macular disease to monitor their vision from home is looking for volunteers.

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‘I was downhearted but Skills for Seeing lifted me’

Posted: Friday 1 July 2022

A volunteer trainer has shared his experience of the Skills for Seeing service, which offers one-to-one advice to help people make the best use of their remaining vision.

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Marcia looking pensively into the distance

“I felt like I lost my identity overnight. But I’m still Marcia, she’s still in there.”

Posted: Monday 20 June 2022

I’ve always been extremely short-sighted, and worn glasses my entire life – my eyesight was normal with my glasses on.

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Pauline Pacey laughing

Volunteers’ Week 2022: ‘If we met we’d be best friends’

Posted: Wednesday 1 June 2022

For Pauline, volunteering is about ‘building people up’, ‘friendship’ and 'helping others see the positives' after a diagnosis of macular disease.

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office desk with document and laptop

Employment and sight loss - tips and advice for jobseekers

Posted: Wednesday 9 March 2022

While it can take someone who is visually impaired twice as long to find work, employment advisors have shared their tips for jobseekers with sight loss.

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Sue Sorsby headshot

New support group offers a chance to share experience and information

Posted: Thursday 3 March 2022

A new support group for people living with Sorsby Fundus Dystrophy has been welcomed by patients living with the condition.

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Man on phone counselling

Living with macular disease and its emotional impact the focus of February webinars

Posted: Thursday 3 February 2022

Our regular webinars return in February, focusing on people’s experiences of living with macular disease and the wider emotional impact of sight loss.

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Winter Warmer. Woman on smart phone by cozy fire.

Entertaining Winter Warmer calls return

Posted: Monday 20 December 2021

A series of entertaining evening calls, launched in lockdown 2020, have returned this year to provide comfort, friendship and entertainment during the long winter nights.

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Covid Response Award 2021, Paul Holden and Maria Storesund

Double-award week for pandemic response

Posted: Monday 29 November 2021

The Macular Society’s efforts to continue to provide vital services to people with macular disease during the coronavirus pandemic have been recognised at both the Covid Response Awards and the Visionary Annual Conference 2021.

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Suzanne smiling

"Counselling can’t bring back your eyesight, but it can help make life more enjoyable"

Posted: Tuesday 27 July 2021

For the Macular Society’s counselling team, uncertainty and fear is a familiar theme which comes up repeatedly for anyone who has been diagnosed with macular disease.

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Help improve home testing experiences for visually impaired people

Posted: Tuesday 19 January 2021

We are supporting NHS Test and Trace to conduct research into the experience and accessibility of getting a home test for the coronavirus.

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Woman using enlarged reading material on tablet

New tech support service has helped you stay connected

Posted: Tuesday 24 March 2020

Whatever our level of sight, it’s hard to ignore just how thoroughly technology has worked its way into all our lives.

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